Here are some helpful tips to get Immune System functioning at its best. By incorporating these foods into your daily diet you will be making sure your immune system can fight off any bugs.
Build Up your immune system by adding in The following Foods :
Foods High in Vitamin C
These are foods such as Peppers, Grapefruit, Oranges, lemons, Broccoli, Guava, Kale, Papaya
Foods Rich in Vitamin A & D
Include food such as Carrots, Egg Yolk, Cod Liver Oil, Chilli and Cayenne Pepper, Grass Fed dairy such as Ghee
Add in Zinc foods
Foods include Oysters, Pumpkin and Sesame Seeds
Antioxidant foods
The following are food high in Antioxidants; Berries, Dark Chocolate, Artichokes, Pecans, Kale,Spinach, Beans, Red Grapes
Why not try this immune-boosting smoothie from